Minister makes decisions on impending PRI

Environment Minister Alan Kelly has made a number of decisions in relation to the structure of a new Government Producer Responsibility Initiative for waste tyres in the Republic of Ireland.

The Tyres Working Group met on May 19 last to consider the five sub-group reports and arising from this meeting, it was decided to forward these reports and the decisions contained therein to the Minister for the Environment.

The Minister has approved a number of matters regarding the structure of the new scheme. These decisions are as follows:-

• Registration and Reporting
o Producers placing any amount of tyres on the market will be obliged to register annually, and by electronic means, with the WEEE Register Society (WRS).
o Producers will report on the seven categories of tyres set out in the current Tyre Regulations. Other categories of tyres such as aircraft and motorcycle tyres might be included at a later date.
o Part worn tyres will be included in the scope of the new Regulations. o Those who import tyres for their own use and for onward distribution will be included in the definition of a producer.
o The existing dual reporting relationship between the WRS and the compliance scheme for WEEE will also be put in place for Tyres.

• Funding and Financial Model sub-group report
o The registration fees to join the new compliance scheme will be nominal.

• Distance Sellers and Information sub-group report

o The WRS will maintain and publish electronically a list of compliant and non-compliant producers in the interests of encouraging compliance and promoting consumer support for environmentally compliant companies.
o A substantial “Launch Campaign” aimed at both economic operators and the general public with the campaign to be driven primarily by the new compliance scheme will take place.
o Confidential market information will not be shared with Repak Board Members while carrying out their role.

• Transitional Arrangements sub-group report

o Meetings will take place between Repak, the WEEE Register Society and TRACS regarding the design of the Black Box.

In addition the Minister has decided that distance sellers would be specifically included under the new Tyre Regulations, in line with existing arrangements for distance sellers of EEE.

Next Steps

In the near future it is proposed to seek the views of the members of the Tyres Working Group on the level of the visible Environmental Management Charge (vEMC) to be introduced and whether the vEMC will be introduced using a front loaded or back loaded model.

Discussions with stakeholders

The Department has been working with the ITIA, Local Authorities (through the City and County Manager’s Association), the EPA, the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland, the WEEE Register Society and Repak on the development of a new Producer Responsibility model for waste tyres in Ireland through the Tyres Working Group, established by the Minister for the Environment.

The Tyres Working Group would welcome any comments from industry on any of the matters discussed at sub-group level or any other concerns that you might have. You may contact the Tyres Working Group in the following ways.
Phone: Lo-call 1890 20 20 21 Extension: 7346


Post: Tyres Working Group, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Government Offices, Newtown Road, Wexford.

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Environment, Tyres PRI