Motorists urged to check their tyres

By Connor ORourke

TyreSafe, the leading tyre safety organisation is urging motorists to regularly check their tyre pressure to improve the safety of their vehicle on the road. is advising motorists that correct tyre pressure is vital to their safety on the road. Under-inflated tyres affect handling and grip, potentially causing irregular or unpredictable vehicle behaviour. They are also much more likely to suffer from a dangerous blowout, especially on high-speed motorway journeys.

By keeping tyres at their optimum pressure, running costs are also reduced. Under-inflated tyres require a bigger force to make them turn, so a car uses more fuel. Additionally, tyres which are not set to their correct pressure wear out more quickly.

So, to benefit from lower fuel bills, longer tyre life, increased safety and reduced CO2 emissions, make sure you check your tyre pressures at least once a month and before a long journey.

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Road Safety, Tyres, Tyre Safe