Continental Tyres warns against burning tyres this Halloween

Continental Tyres Ireland is advising people for the Halloween celebrations not to include tyres among the material they plan to burn in bonfires this year.

Tom Dennigan, General Manager of Continental Tyres Ireland, says: “We have heard many reports from our tyre dealer customers of increased incidences of theft of old tyres in the run up to Halloween.  It is safe to assume that these have been stolen with a view to burning them on Halloween bonfires and we would strongly advise against that.

Aside from it being illegal, smoke from burning tyres carries toxins that are detrimental to both humans and animals.  The residue from burnt tyres can also be very damaging to the environment. In fact, the only safe way to burn a tyre is in a concrete kiln which would have sophisticated filtration systems in place to neutralise any toxins”.    
Halloween is an age-old Celtic celebration of harvest-time that has been celebrated for thousands of years in Ireland, long before our ancestors took it to America, where it was reinvented as a ‘trick or treat’ scare feast.  In Ireland, it has always been a family celebration where children played traditional Halloween games and the bonfire was an integral part of the fun.
“In view of the strong family-focus of Halloween celebrations, often with young children being allowed out late as a special treat, it is all the more important that we ensure that bonfires are safe for all revellers, young and old.  For this reason it is not advisable to burn tyres or indeed, any other material that may release noxious fumes or that could risk exploding when heated,” concluded Dennigan..

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Continental, Environment